Central America 2008, part 22 (El Salvador-Honduras-Nicaragua: Managua)
The second and last evening in El Salvador went more or less as I planned. I washed my hair, did my laundry, checked my emails and »
The second and last evening in El Salvador went more or less as I planned. I washed my hair, did my laundry, checked my emails and »
By its surface area, El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America and it covers the territory of 21,041 square kilometres. The capital is »
The international coach left Guatemala City around 1 pm and already around 6 pm it was in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. There was »
Sleeping at a hotel in the centre of Guatemala City, I woke up early the next morning. When I say “early” I mean really early – at »
Already from the square where there is La Union Park in Antigua, i.e., in Old Guatemala, I could partially see the dome of St. Francis »