Greece and Bulgaria 2023, part 1 (Alexandroupoli, Dadia Forest)
Some time at the beginning of the year, Saša Marinković, an ornithologist and a friend of mine, called me up and invited me to go with »
Some time at the beginning of the year, Saša Marinković, an ornithologist and a friend of mine, called me up and invited me to go with »
In the previous sequel of the stories on my travel along the French Riviera in the spring of 2022, I got to my visit to the »
When I reached town Villefranche-sur-Mer by train, I did not go down to the shore right away, but first I followed a path leading to the »
When I arrived in Antibes by train, I easily found my way down to the Marina, since it is only a few hundred metres away from »
Instead of walking and sightseeing around Cannes, this time around I opted for something completely different and that was a boat trip to the Lérins Islands »